Trinity of the Royal Palace (Official)Chapter 39
Action Comedy Drama Romance

In the Kingdom of Wardell Ceram, a realm rich in flowers and trees, the charming duo of Luca and Sylvain live outside the law. As the Wolf Claws, they are chivalrous thieves who target those nobles who commit evil deeds. Their deeds bring them to the attention of the Kingdom’s Princess, who wants to recruit them for a very special task. A romantic comedy about love that transcends class!

FINAL FANTASY XIV: Eorzea Academy (Official)Chapter 4.1
Comedy Shounen

Alisaie is a high school student attending Eorzea Academy, an exclusive institution created by the merger of former rival schools the Academy of Light and the Academy of Darkness. However, frequent quarrels between the students prove that a bitter divide remains between the Class of Light and the Class of Darkness. Worried about the ongoing conflict, headmistress Tataru decides it's time for some bold solutions to raise morale. Let the school games begin!